Dr. Zhipei Fu - Acupuncturist and Herbologist
Dr. Zhipei Fu comes from a long family lineage of doctors. She is a licensed acupuncturist and herbologist who graduated from a 5-year program in Traditional Chinese Medicine at the prestigious Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Upon graduation, in 1988, Dr. Fu became a M.D. in acupuncture, herbology, and Western medicine, then served a residency and began work as a doctor at a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) hospital in Shanghai, China, where she used an integrated approach of TCM and biomedicine to treat 30-40 patients on a daily basis, and supervised hundreds of students. In the terms used by the Chinese medical board, in 1995, she became an attending physician of traditional Chinese medicine, which is recognized as a higher-level doctor. Dr. Fu also has special training in TCM gynecology. During her career, she has successfully treated many female patients with Traditional Chinese Medicine, and had high success rates in treating infertility.
Dr. Fu has been practicing Tai Chi -- a traditional Chinese exercise -- for over 35 years. She has very positive energy, which makes the acupuncture treatment much more effective.
Dr. Fu can also prescribe custom herbs tailored to each individual patient.
In 2000, Dr. Fu came to the United States, passed the acupuncture examinations administered by NCCAOM, and became a licensed acupuncturist in New York State. If she chose to take the qualifying examination, Dr. Fu could also practice Western Medicine in the United States, as an accredited M.D. So far, she has only chosen to take the U.S. exam accrediting her as an acupuncturist. Dr. Fu is currently practicing in Buffalo, New York. She is respected and well liked by her patients because of her medical effectiveness and her clear explanations of Traditional Chinese Medicine treatments.